Showing posts with label Christian life hints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian life hints. Show all posts

December 23, 2022

Why We Should Say "Christmas," Not "Xmas""

 "The True Meaning of Christmas:

"The True Meaning of Christmas:

As the holiday season approaches, you may have noticed that many people are using the abbreviation "Xmas" instead of the full word "Christmas." While this may seem like a convenient and harmless way to save time and space, the truth is that the use of "Xmas" can be seen as disrespectful to the true meaning of the holiday.

"Xmas" is derived from the Greek letter "chi," which is the first letter of the Greek word for "Christ." While some people may use "Xmas" as a way to acknowledge the religious significance of Christmas, it can also be seen as a way to remove the word "Christ" from the holiday altogether.

To many Christians, Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the message of love, hope, and forgiveness that he brought to the world. By using the abbreviation "Xmas," we are effectively taking the "Christ" out of Christmas and reducing it to a secular holiday centered on gift-giving and consumerism.

Read more: The True Origin Of Christmas

Furthermore, the use of "Xmas" can be seen as a way to exclude non-Christians from the holiday celebration. While Christmas is primarily a Christian holiday, it is also a time when people of all faiths and backgrounds come together to celebrate the spirit of love and unity. By using the abbreviation "Xmas," we risk alienating those who may not fully understand or appreciate the religious significance of the holiday.

In conclusion, while it may be tempting to use the abbreviation "Xmas" as a convenient way to save time and space, it is important to remember the true meaning of Christmas and the respect it deserves. Let's celebrate the holiday by using the full word "Christmas" and embracing the message of love, hope, and forgiveness that it represents.

December 21, 2022

What is the difference between Praying in tongues and Praying in the Spirit

 Praying in tongues and Praying in the Spirit

Praying in tongues and praying in the spirit are both biblical practices that involve speaking in a language that is not familiar to the person praying. Both practices involve seeking a deeper connection with God and relying on the Holy Spirit to guide and direct the words being spoken. However, there are some significant differences between praying in tongues and praying in the spirit.

First, let’s define praying in tongues. Praying in tongues, also known as glossolalia, is a practice in which a person speaks in a language that they do not understand or have not learned. This practice is often associated with the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, and it is believed to be a gift of the Holy Spirit. According to 1 Corinthians 14:2, “For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit.” This verse suggests that praying in tongues is a way for believers to communicate directly with God, bypassing the limitations of their own language and understanding.

Read Also: Why Speaking In Tongues Doesn’t Make You A True Christian.

Praying in the spirit, on the other hand, is a more general term that refers to praying with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. This can include praying in tongues, but it can also involve other types of prayer. For example, praying in the spirit might involve seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to know what to pray for or how to pray for someone. It could also involve using the gift of prophecy or other spiritual gifts in prayer. The key aspect of praying in the spirit is that it involves seeking the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit.

One of the main differences between praying in tongues and praying in the spirit is the purpose of the prayer. Praying in tongues is typically seen as a way of communicating with God and expressing spiritual truths that cannot be conveyed through words. In contrast, praying in the spirit is more focused on seeking the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit in order to know how to pray for others or to pray for specific needs.

Another difference is the nature of the prayer itself. Praying in tongues is typically characterized by speaking in a language that is not familiar to the person praying. This language is believed to be the language of the Holy Spirit, and it is believed to be a way of expressing spiritual truths that cannot be conveyed through human language. In contrast, praying in the spirit can involve speaking in a familiar language or using other spiritual gifts, such as prophecy or the gift of discernment.

There are also differences in the way that praying in tongues and praying in the spirit are perceived by different Christian denominations. Within the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, praying in tongues is seen as a valuable and important way to connect with God and to express spiritual truths. However, within other denominations, such as Roman Catholicism and mainstream Protestantism, praying in tongues is often viewed with suspicion or skepticism. Some people see it as a sign of fanaticism or as a form of emotional manipulation, while others see it as a way of seeking attention or validation.

Read Also: Fruit Of The Human Spirit | See

In contrast, praying in the spirit is generally seen as a more accepted and mainstream practice within the Christian church. This is because praying in the spirit involves seeking the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit in prayer, which is something that is widely accepted within the Christian faith. Praying in the spirit is often seen as a way of seeking God’s will and guidance, and it is something that is encouraged in many Christian denominations.

Overall, praying in tongues and praying in the spirit are two different practices that involve seeking a deeper connection with God and relying on the Holy Spirit to guide and direct the words being spoken. While both practices involve speaking in a language.

September 09, 2022

[Must read] How to avoid Heartbreak for yourself


Heartbreak, heart attack
Photo credit: Pinterest

Is there anything like Self-imposed heartbreak? Yes, because more than 60% of ladies I have counseled on relationship problems open up to me that their male church member (brother) are having sex with them! 

This is very serious and painful! Once a lady accepts a proposal from a brother, the sister should let him prove his love for her by taking care of her without sex! Successful courtship requires prayer and wisdom. Any sister who allows her brother to have sex with her during courtship has no wisdom! Such individual is a victim and may soon become a sex slave.

 Unfortunately, no sex slave has ever had a say in any marital relationship! This  means, a brother can freely intimidate a sister who has become his sex slave with a breakup. As a matter of fact, what many sisters are experiencing today in courtship  is sexual slavery and sexual exploitation! Presently, it is true that sisters are more than brothers, but then sisters must be wise enought to say NO to sexual slavery and sexual exploitation! Marriage is not a requirement for making heaven! Do not allow any brother to lead you to hell in the name of courtship. Any brother who can no longer control his sexual urge in courtship should marry immediately!  

Read also: Why you should not go into premarital sex in Relationship

In courtship, God has made woman adorable enough for man to respect and honour!  Absolutely, courtship belongs to women! I was surprised when I observed during my counseling sessions that some ladies are actually slaves in courtship! Why? Because men who are yet to be their husbands are having sex with them.  

A Godly lady is a pacesetter in courtship, but once a sister allows a brother to have sexual intercourse with her, she is devalued! Ladies, do not allow any man to take your position in courtship! Don't sell your birthright to any man in courtship! Man proposes, but woman approves in courtship! So, let every woman remains the Chief Approving Officer (CAO) and man, Chief Proposing Officer (CPO) in courtship! Every sister must be careful not to approve premarital sex with her brother so that she doesn't lose her dominion as CAO! 

Unfortunately, most sisters have lost this position by allowing their brothers to have sex with them in courtship! Of course, in any courtship where the brother has taken over the CAO, the sister will weep and most likely suffer an heartbreak!  So, sisters be warned! When you allow a man to have sex with you without marriage, you are no more the CAO, but the CPO; a messanger position meant for men in courtship! What a disaster!  This is the reason many ladies are now running after brothers begging them to marry them because they have lost the thing that qualifies them as CAO! Many sisters are the one paying for the house rent of those brothers who are yet to marry them. If you are living well and you preserve yourself holy as a lady during courtship, you dont need to entice your brother with any material or financial gift for him to love and marry you! Rather,  your brother will lavish material and financial gifts on you!  

Read also: How to control your Sexual urges as a Christian

Men will continue to take advantage of those sisters who open their legs widely during courtship,  until they learn to obey God and stay clear of sex before marriage! No sane man will leave a sister who is sexually faithful and marry a junk! So, sisters, zip up in courtship! The heart break most sisters are experiencing in courtship today is due to their inability to say NO to premarital sex! The more your brother sleep with you in courtship, the less valuable you become! So, ladies and  sisters, stop self-imposed heartbreak by disallowing brothers (or whatever they call themselves) from sleeping with you in courtship! Say NO to sex before marriage! Say NO to premarital sex and remain an enviable treasure (Prob. 15:6)! If  you allow a man to sleep with you in courtship, you are at his mercy. He may decide to marry you, and he may decide not to marry you! Several sisters have narrated the kind of heartbreak they have suffered from men to me and behold, it was very painful indeed! But funny enough, in most cases, they are the root of their problems.

Many of them allow sex before marriage. Sisters, do not devalue yourselves! Do not make yourselves less relevant in courtship! I tell you, as long as you close your legs, that man will not go because no man wants to lose a treasure! May you not court a man who will turn you to a sex slave! May you not meet a man who will take heaven from you and replace with hell.

Credit: Facebook

August 22, 2022

[Must read] Reasons for Husband Scarcity


Husband scarcity
Photo credit: The book Husband scarcity

"Husband Scarcity" has become one of the challenges faced by many young girls today. In America according to statistics by Statista the percentage of births to unmarried women in the United States from 1980 to 2020. In 1980, some 18 percent of all women in the United States who gave birth were unmarried. As of 2020, the percentage of births to unmarried women has increased to 40.5 percent.

If you go to prayer houses, majority of the intentions are prayer for a life partner. And this calls for concern.

Casting our minds back to the time of our mothers and grandmothers, was there really much of a "Husband Scarcity" problem?. Or, maybe there were more men than women then, or there was an adequate corresponding numbers of both genders. I don't think so.

Maybe then, the women had values and were prepared to build a home and not park into a built home.

Then, once a young man comes of age and can at least feed himself and his wife, he goes out in search of a wife and the woman really appreciates him and helps him to build a future.

What am I really trying to say? We created what we now see as "Husband Scarcity" for ourselves.

Today, the reverse is the case. Ask an average girl to define her dream husband; you get things like "he has to be tall, handsome, fair, and rich, own a house at least, and be presentable" and then she adds "God fearing" in order not to sound so worldly.

Then, check the number of girls around you and the number of men that meet that standard, and you will see the problem. 

You hear girls say," I cannot suffer in my father's house and then go and start suffering with a man." What a wonderful dream!

What if from the beginning, you have everything you want and there is no suffering, and later in the marriage, the table turns around, then comes suffering? Will you run away?

No one prays for suffering, but it is good to start small and end big, than start big and end small.

The problem is that the description majority of girls give of their ideal man is virtually the same. When fifty girls want the same kind of man and the man that fits what they want is just one man, and the man can only pick one. Then, what becomes of fourty nine others They simply start lamenting of "Husband Scarcity". 

Another irony of our time is that it is hard, due to the face of our economy to find a man who is of marriage age who possesses all those things these ladies want, legally (except those involved in Internet fraud); Even the number of those in Internet fraud is not enough to match all those searching for already made husbands. If you look around, majority of the ladies of substance, of good value and virtue, who are ready to build a home with a man who has prospects, are married and not complaining of husband scarcity. one of the challenges faced by many young girls today. 

Casting our minds back to the time of our mothers and grandmothers, was there really much of a "Husband Scarcity" problem?. Or, maybe there were more men than women then, or there was an adequate corresponding numbers of both genders. I don't think so.

Maybe then, the women had values and were prepared to build a home and not park into a built home.

Then, once a young man comes of age and can at least feed himself and his wife, he goes out in search of a wife and the woman really appreciates him and helps him to build a future.

Read also12 Common Things That Makes Men Look Outside In Marriage. (Number 5 Is Important)

What am I really trying to say? We created what we now see as "Husband Scarcity" for ourselves.

Today, the reverse is the case. Ask an average girl to define her dream husband; you get things like "he has to be tall, handsome, fair, and rich, own a house at least, and be presentable" and then she adds "God fearing" in order not to sound so worldly.

Then, check the number of girls around you and the number of men that meet that standard, and you will see the problem. 

You hear girls say," I cannot suffer in my father's house and then go and start suffering with a man." What a wonderful dream!

What if from the beginning, you have everything you want and there is no suffering, and later in the marriage, the table turns around, then comes suffering? Will you run away?

No one prays for suffering, but it is good to start small and end big, than start big and end small.

The problem is that the description majority of girls give of their ideal man is virtually the same. When fifty girls want the same kind of man and the man that fits what they want is just one man, and the man can only pick one. Then, what becomes of fourty nine others They simply start lamenting of "Husband Scarcity". 

Another irony of our time is that it is hard, due to the face of our economy to find a man who is of marriage age who possesses all those things these ladies want, legally (except those involved in Internet fraud); Even the number of those in Internet fraud is not enough to match all those searching for already made husbands. If you look around, majority of the ladies of substance, of good value and virtue, who are ready to build a home with a man who has prospects, are married and not complaining of husband scarcity.

Read also: The kind of woman every Man wants

The easiest way to find a husband now, is to change your view of who a husband is. A husband is that man God made and then saw that it may be hard for him to really actualize his purpose for making him, without a help mate and then made the woman and gave to him, and he felt complete and fulfilled.


It is a mission of building the family of God here on earth. For those who see marriage as a way out of poverty, it is a way into bondage.

Women are HOME BUILDERS, not HOME WARMERS... DON'T CONFUSE A MAN'S PATH WITH HIS DESTINY. Where he is today, may only be a route to where God has destined him to be tomorrow. 


Join in alleviating "husband scarcity". PICK UP THE RIGHT VALUES. I am not saying that you should pick anyone that comes your way and talks of marriage, not all men are husband materials.

What I am saying is that you should stop setting your standard on material acquisitions or physical appearances. Look beyond the physical.

Read also: How to deal with your Exes

WHAT MAKES A MAN WHO HE IS, IS NOT WHAT HE OWNS OR HOW HE LOOKS, IT IS WHAT HE IS MADE UP OF. And that which he is made of is, most times, not seen with the physical eyes, only its effects can be seen.

Marriage is a permanent thing. Whatever is seen is temporal and that which is not seen is permanent. Relax and go to God in prayer. God did not just make Eve for making sake; He made her for Adam's need to be met. God did not make you for making sake either

(unless He has a special calling on you), He made you to meet a particular man's need. AND THAT MAN MAY BE THAT ONE THAT

Do not despise or look down on any man because, it doesn't take God a second to turn around someone destiny. A man can be very poor by December, then God bless him to be very rich by January. But never marry a man without a confirmation from God, so that you can confidently run back to him whenever Satan wants to rise his ugly head in your home.

July 27, 2022

12 Common things that makes men Look outside in marriage. (Number 5 is important)


Marriage advice
Photo credit : Behance


Read Also: If You Want To Be A Good Woman, Wife And Mother, Emulate This Steps.

1. Failing to dress well because you are now married: You dress around like an old woman with wrapper like chicken feathers? That's wrong. Be your husband temptation otherwise he will be tempted outside

2. You use to respect him/her during courtship but now you have seen him all, and you disrespect him as much as you can. That's wrong!

3. Being spiritual and leaving your spouse out if it: this is very dangerous. Carry your partner along in your spiritual pursuit otherwise you will be building and Satan will be using him/her to scatter.

4. Learning alone and leaving your partner out of it: I have written severally on this. Learn together. Make sure your partner knows a little of whatever you know otherwise you will be building and he will be scattering

5. Ceasing to be romantic again because you are now married: many people use romance just to get at their partner and once married, they let it go forgetting that romance is needed more in marriage than it is in relationship

Read More: 10 Mysterious Prayers To Cut Off Spirit Husband And Wife.

6. Loving your own family and leaving your spouse's family out of it. If you do this, you will bring problem to your marriage. Love the both families equally

7. Threatening to leave the Marriage over offences: this would greatly harm your marriage, cripple trust and love

8. Loving your spiritual leaders more than your spouse: don't love your spiritual leaders such as pastors and mentors more than your spouse. This is dangerous

9. Hiding secrets from your spouse: the truth will always come out someday and when it does at the wrong time, there would be issues. Marriage is togetherness. Let your partner be aware of things so that you two could see to it together

10. Failing to appreciate your spouse: appreciation is a powerful tool for marital bliss. on daily basis, appreciate your partner. Appreciate their body, their food, their sense of dress, their skills, their knowledge, etc.

Never wait for your partner to demand for an appreciation before it is given

11. Comparing your spouse with others: this is a very terrible thing to do. Love your partner for who he or she is

12. Recalling past and forgiven offence: once an offence is forgiven, please bury it. Recalling it would cause harm to the marriage.