November 13, 2021



Sexy picture
It's no news now that the world is now ravaging in Sin and the media not making things right have drawn people thinking that virginity isn't an achievement or a worthy endeavour. Some people have also made statements about keeping oneself a Virgin difficult. We've coined 10 reasons keeping your Virginity might be difficult. With this reasons you can find a way to change your perspective.

1. You believe it is difficult that is why it is. The Bible says, "As he thinketh in his heart, so is he..."

2. You move with friends who do not value virginity and makes you look like you have very serious problems. Change your friends. Psalm 1. "A companion of fools shall be DESTROYED".

3. Your smart phone is making it difficult because you spend all your time watching romantic movies, pornography and anything dirty instead of studying the word, watch godly movies and read goodly ebooks.

4. You engage in sexy, flirty, dirty chats.

Read Also: If You Want To Be A Good Woman, Wife And Mother, Emulate This Steps.

5. You are highly sensual instead of "Walking in the Spirit and not fulfilling the lust of the flesh". (Galatians 5).

6. You are engaged to a guy/lady who talked dirty and seduce you all the time. End all relationship with sinful partners (Psalm 1).

7. You are of marriageable age and your hormones are raging like fire. Read my ebooks" Overcoming Marital Delay" and " How To Attract Your Perfect Soul Mate". They will change your story. Available at very affordable price. Inbox me to get your copies.

8. You have courted for a long time and your body is crying for sex. Get married.

9. You wear sexy clothes all the time. They will make you feel sexy -horny! Stop wearing clothes that draw attention to your sexual side.

Read Also: How To Know God's Will For Marriage

10. You have a spiritual spouse. People who have sex in the dream all the time battles whoredom, masturbation, and the crazy urge for premarital sex.

Alright. There you go my brothers and sisters. Go work on those points and have a sexually pure single life. Nothing is difficult. It is all in our mind set. Once you work on your mind set brother, sister! Getting married as a virgin becomes easy. Love you big. 

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