October 12, 2017

[Must Read] How to begin learning with Success

How to begin learning with success

How to begin learning with success
Never stop reciting these teachings. you want to have faith in them night and day so you may reliably do everything written in them. solely then can you prosper and succeed” (Joshua 1:8 GW).

To really surpass in no matter you’re learning (whether it’s a brand new ability, a brand new theory, or a few new person), you want to initial steep yourself in God’s Word.

I selected the word steep by design. does one grasp what it means that to steep a tea bag? you are taking a tea bag out, dunk it in predicament, and bounce it up and down. You can’t do this quickly. You won’t have any tea. you wish to try to to it slowly. once you do this, you extract all of the flavour out of that tea bag.

You need to try to to an equivalent factor with God’s Word if you wish to essentially surpass in no matter you’re learning. You don’t bang chop-chop. i feel in reading. I bang oft. however I ne'er speed-read the Bible. I browse it slowly, word by word. Why? The Bible says each word of God is pure.

Before you learn something, begin by steeping yourself in God’s Word. It’s the key to being thriving.

Everyone needs to succeed. you wish to reach your career. you wish to reach your relationships. you wish to reach your learning. The Bible provides clear counsel to anyone World Health Organization needs to succeed.

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Joshua 1:8 says of God’s Word, “Never stop reciting these teachings. you want to have faith in them night and day so you may reliably do everything written in them. solely then can you prosper and succeed” (GW).

God’s not a trickster. this is often his promise to you. If you wish to achieve success and prosperous in life, study his Word ceaselessly.
Read Also: See how you could be a life longer learner
It’ll cause you to wise. and therefore the Bible says, showing wisdom can return wealth and honor.

But that starts with knowing God’s Word.

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