October 08, 2017

3 causes of unhealthy Fear you don't know |See

a. SinA sinful man is a fearful man. In other words, sin is directly proportional to fear and so, the more we commit sin, the more we are exposed to unhealthy fear. Why is it so? When sin takes away the fear if God in us, unhealthy fear sets in to replace the love of God. When this happens, instead of clinging to God,we run away from him. Wherever sin is at work, unhealthy fear rules; complete love for God which is evident in complete obedience to his commandments abolishes all fears. 

When you know God's words and commandments and make effort to practice every crumb of it, you will rarely be a candidate of unhealthy fear because, at every point in your life,there must be a portion of Gods word with which you can overcome and subdue any unhealthy fear; but when we are living in sin, the reverse become  the case because human soul is in love union with 'truth', and every sin committed is against the truth. As a result, sin breaks or becomes a barrier to the love-union of the soul and truth. This in turn becomes the basis of unhealthy fear. In St. John's Gospel, Christ says: The peace I give is not like the world gives, so do not be afraid or troubled". (John 14:27).

b. Shame: shame is generally known to be a heavy feeling of being unacceptable. It is a feeling that one thing or the other needs 'healing'. Not all shame is bad. This led to the classification of shame into two:
a. Healthy Shame
b. Unhealthy shame

Healthy shame: This is the feeling of guilt, sadness and embarrassment you have when you know that something you have done is wrong or stupid. Healthy shame is virtue and it is meant to be present bin every 'normal' human being. It tells us what is really wrong in us that needs to be corrected. It also hinders us from acting foolishly. This is a type of shame that makes you not to be nude in public or to dress immodestly. People that are in possession of this type of shame have food moral standards.
      It is this type of shame that differentiates a mad person from a normal person. Mad people lack this type of shame; that is why they can walk about in public naked; they can defecate in public and so on. Let us look at the reverse side of healthy shame.

Unhealthy shame: Merle Fossum was referring to this type of shame when he said:
     A pervasive sense of shame is the ongoing premise that is fundamentally bad, inadequate, defective, unworthy or not fully valid as a human being.
Unhealthy shame is false and it lingers for a long time; weighing the victim down. The pain of this type of shame is this: it is not a signal of something that is really wrong in us that needs to be made right. That is why it is a 'false' feeling; because it saps our creative power and kills our joy. Nobody deserves this type of shame because we are not as bad as the feeling tells us we are. Unhealthy shame has a strong relationship with fear because both of them are capable of draining ones happiness and joy.

c. Doubt: Doubt is simply a feeling of uncertainty. In other words, it is a belief that us in need of evidence and conviction. We fear what we doubt. That is why, when you doubt the possibility of something coming true, fear sets in; when you doubt the possibility of accomplishing a task, you may end up not starting it at all. A student who doubt's his/her ability to write an examination and pass may become afraid of facing the examination especially if it cannot be avoided.

Implications of unhealthy Fear
o On progress: Unhealthy fear is a canker that eats deep into one's existence. It is an enemy we must fight and win in order to make headway. We do not deserve to fear anything. Only God deserves our fear and reverence. Whenever an action is being carried out in fear, the result is always ridiculous. That is why fear hinders and paralyses the victim. It can make you chase a mere shadow; spending your time, energy and resources in fighting something that does not exist.

o On health : The negative impression if unhealthy fear can not be emphasized. Our health is not set out once fear sets in. This is because there is a relationship between the mind and man's health. The condition of the mind influences the state of one's health. This theory is called psychosomatism. When you are living in fear (unhealthy fear), your health status is also influenced negatively. The most popular psychosomatic diseases include: low immunity, insulin imbalance, Hypertension, Arthritis, Heart diseases.

o On spirituality: Fear hinders and paralyzes our spirits. This it does by bringing about depression and worry which are among the major factors that deplete ones spiritual strength. Fear also destroys our faith and trust in God making our spirits prone to calamities.

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