September 02, 2017

MUST READ :Blessings for honoring God

In the world today many Christians have this thoughts, that blessings in honoring God, is only by going to church, Jonah: 1 :15, 2chro 26:4-5. we need to know the measurement of honoring God
Honoring  God requires you to seek God, God is looking at our heart, what is God looking for in us? literally he is looking for those who honors him.
Everyone one of us should agree that God is the only God and he worthy to be honored. Act 17:24. If you don't honor God you lose many things E.g Your life, there will be stagnancy, lack of Joy, Sorrow, confusion, hatred etc. If we have been mandated to honor our earthly parents, its required to honor God, because he is their creator. you will find out that during this exercise of honoring God, unexpected blessings such as :
Abundant blessings
Unlimited Joy
Spiritual Uplift
perfect mind 
Genuine salvation
We will discuss few of the benefits in a bit.
1. Freedom : Just like in book of Deu 6:1-25, Moses proceeds  in his encouragement to the people of Israel, to pay attention to the commandments of God, that it might be well with them, Deut 6:1, they were exhorted to be careful not to forget the lord, serve him, and not to go after other gods, since he is a jealous honor and worship. with this we see that the Israelite got their freedom because of they honored him.
2. Genuine Salvation: Much is being said about prosperity, faith and grace in the church, but little is being said about holiness (Isa 63:18). it is true that without faith it is impossible to please God; without holiness also one cannot see God. So in order to see God we must honor him so that he will give us the grace to live a holy life.We shall discuss other benefit in our next publishing.
In summary the only thing that makes God agry is dishonoring him. we should therefore amend our lifestyle, i mean the way we kive inside and outside.

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